2020 CSP-S初赛汇报






Dream - LSS Short

This is part of the upcoming LSS 5 by XGN.


When we wake up from a dream, are we in reality or another dream?

White hall, I garb in the purest white clothes I could find, waiting for the “other one” to arrive. Deep breathing, in and out, I am quite nervous right now. This is my first time to wear like this and in a place like this, and I kinda hope it is the last time.

The guests are coming one by one. Soon, the hall is filled with people and therianthropes from different places. Since he has not appeared, I’d like to calm myself down with something, like, this book? Dream come true by Ventuswill senpai. “I hope I can get something to deal with the situation in this leaflet..” I thought.

My name is Doragon, an aqua dragon girl. Currently 495 years old, unmarried.

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Dandelion - LSS Short

Repost from HHS Blog

This story is part of LSS4 by XGN.

Dandelion,dandelion,where will you fly? Will you take my heart away?

“I am feeling not good today” It’s late night, and Ookami the werewolf girl still could’t fall asleep. “Damn the math test.. It must be the test that makes me feel sick…”

“Damn, my head is getting heavier and heavier, I think.” Dizzily, our cute girl fell into sleep.

Don’t let… the hu..man catch.. us… cough…cough… Run!Run!Run…(Gunshot)

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