Welcome to Homepage of XGN from HHS

You may find some outdated website building skills here. I don't care
Information | Game Titles | Links
Hi! I am XGN from HHS. XGN stands for XiaoGeNintendo or XiaoGeNull or something else. HHS stands for Hell Hole Studios
I am a student at Nanjing Foreign Language School.
I am Chinese, born in 2004. Birthday is Dec. 19.

I play games, watch animes and listen to music often.
You can see what games I play in the game title section. I use Bangumi to trace my anime progress, you can find my profile link there.

I also do Competitive Programming and developing. 
Max rating on Codeforces is currently Master.

I suck at frontend designs cuz I suck at Arts and Music.
I love composing but I can't compose well.

I love animals especially fluffy one. 

This page will NOT be updated often. 


I usually play - 

STG(especially Touhou)
Ace Attorney
Music games(mainly Taiko no tatsujin and Osu!)