【Segicverse Extra】Extra 1 里的各种设定


本文为Zhuky.RLG 作品,又一次争得作者允许后发布。其他个人和团体不可复制,转载。


Extra #1里面设定是不是太多了,在这里解释一下吧~



  1. Hikari会给zky小队做早餐,手艺真的不错!

  2. 关于USLT等级考试,我们找到了一些当时的手稿,可惜是全英文的,估计是因为zky对他的英语比较自信(什么鬼啊!)

注:不感兴趣 or if you cannot understand English well请跳过吧

Universal Skill Level Test (USLT)

Contestants will be tested skills in 4 aspects:

  1. Fighting skills

  2. Technology/Knowledge skills

  3. Living skills

  4. Problem/Daily problem solving skills

Every contestant will be scored for each aspect. We can call the scores Single Score:s1,s2,s3,s4.

Then we define:

Fighting score (FS)=max(s1,s2)*0.8+min(s1,s2)*0.2
Living score (LS)=max(s3,s4)*0.6+min(s3,s4)*0.4

That’s the scores really shown.

If a contestant’s FS or LS is higher than 6.5 or FS and LS both higher than 5.5 he/she will be registed as Special Skill Creature(SSC). And members of SSC can get money from the government.

How can we take part in the contests?

Single Scores are non-negative float numbers less than 10. The integer part is called Level while the rest is called Addition Score(AS)

Contestant can only participant in contest of a certain level. If the AS is more than or equals 0.5, the contest of Level+1 is available, or else you can only take part in the contest of your original level.

In each contest of level L, you will get a new level which is either L(remaining the same) or L+1(a new level, but it doesn’t mean you can take part in a higher level test if your AS is not enough). Also, your AS will be judged according to your performance and your level.

Contests whose level is less than 4, are often held for they are judged by machines and computers.

However contests from level 4 to level 9 are held only three times a year. The contestants will face the real experts during the contests. The scoring system is the same. In fact the experts won’t be very busy because of this as few creatures can reach the level 5.

Some scoring standards has been set:

Segic can get an s1 of 9.0

Hypret can get an s1 of 8.5 and s2 of 9.0

RLG can get an s1 of 7.8 and s2 of 7.5

zky… He got less than 1 in s1,s2 and s3 and 6 in s4.

X-gekrot got s1 of 8.2

Orimare got s1 of 8 and s3 of 7(thanks to Hikari)

zky said that he should be given a higher score to meet his status and has been thrown out of the window at once.

What’s the real use of SSC:

To know the SSC members better in case someday they will be our enemies.

Not to worry about money for some OCs.


  1. 实际上zky的英语不只是a bit的 off,别以为他有时候考得还行

  2. zky常常能偷懒就偷懒,课前演讲不背稿子是常态

  3. zky喜欢听音乐


  1. Rinko是Rinri的妹妹,有附身龙与鸟程度的能力,详见之前xgn自己写的设定blog

  2. Rinri在首都有一家小店,卖面包,也有一些饮品,zky一般会在这里买面包,价格不算太贵,不过从来没有买过饮品 (编者注:详见RTiFE)


  1. zky此前一直对自己的逻辑推理能力十分自信,知道他和龙王大人等人玩Among Us…

  2. Among Us之所以可以真人版游戏是因为龙王大人拥有五维的能力(其中有两个维度都是时间维度),可以开启 Alternative Universe,在Alternative Universe发生的事情都不会同步到主世界,但(如果需要)可以保留记忆


  1. 文中“欲戴王冠,必承其重”是指zky身为执政凶兽的意思,执政凶兽可以在宇宙创立之初设定宇宙原理,在皇宫内承担部分政治职务,等着被下一代凶兽磨爪子

  2. Hikari是能量源于龙王大人的光龙,经常会做Booktalk,这次因为去观光,所以地点在流金乡 (编者注:详见RTiFE)

  3. Kero是新兴凶兽,种族为暗属性精灵,有归零,暗黑两个球(后来变成三个),会召唤暗黑精灵(属性越来越强),精神分裂,深夜以杀人为乐


  1. 我敢肯定我们的编者xgn看到Sword of Souls的时候也是一脸懵逼,好你个zky又来搞什么设定,但是呃,这玩意几个月前就有了,只是第一次用,是集合了zky中心四人的灵魂能力的剑,这次没发挥什么用场 (编者注:扯淡)

  2. Sword of OP,字面意思,OP之剑,已经在文中标注了大概意思,这把剑消耗法力很大,zky一个人是无法使用这把剑的,除非有能量源或者是Final/Final Plus形态 (编者注:详见Segicverse正作)

  3. X-Gekrot的能力中有一项操控物质程度的能力,详见Segicverse Season7 和Season 8




  1. 《风神录》,指东方风神录,纯粹是封神和风神的谐音,哦对,zky喜欢听Active Neets的《风神少女》

  2. 小诗第三句有致敬Bilibili up主 风男不是猫 填词的 《九九八十一 sans》的意思

  3. 自己都不明白的小诗:






第三句暗示了Segicverse Season 4 和 Season 6的内容,以一腔跌宕的豪情与世争锋最终只能在虚妄中迷失自我,落泪痛心是却早已成罪,悔极莫追,说明了一切都没有反悔的机会,发生过的事情永远不会被抹去,体现了zky对不堪当年的回忆和深思。



还是要补充……请大家继续关注RTiFE Update (facepalm)