Unweekly Report 2022 No. 11

Unweekly Report 2022 No. 11

Welcome back to another episode of Unweekly Report! This is the 1st report in 2022 and the 11th report in total.

Before starting, I’d like to wish you a hapy new year! Hope you good luck in 2022!


  1. HHS Winter Event 2022

  2. Why delayed so long?

  3. THO 2021

  4. What am I doing?

  5. Spicy Wolf

I. HHS Winter Event 2022

Today we held the HHS Winter Event. This time a new HHS Point system was introduced to encourage people from playing games and joining together. It also serves as a purpose to select the best players. The top 3 players can get a prize.

Here are the final results:

Name Total Score Rank Mahjong Kart M&S Gartic Others
XGN 1042 1 119 32 30 352 509
JGH 1001.6875 2 255.6875 47 30 302 367
HDD 829.375 3 184.375 100 0 318 227
ZHD 652.75 4 93.75 26 60 220 253
ZJS 565 5 98 83 35 349 0
XZM 449.75 6 178.75 0 0 266 5
ZKY 402.6875 7 54.6875 55 85 208 0
WZZ 322 8 0 0 0 302 20
HYK 310 9 0 0 0 310 0
ZXY 30 10 0 0 0 30 0

Gartics, Worldwide 51, Offline Mahjong, Majsoul, Mario Party Superstar, Maiden & Spell, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe were played.

II. Why delayed so long?

Well, of course, pressure from school. Art festival of our school has just passed and new year is coming soon.

In Senior 2, we will undertake what be called the Small College Entrance Exam where we have to get a Pass on Physics, Chemistry, Poltics, History, Biology and Geography. We have to prepare for it in order to have a bright future.

III. THO 2021

There’s a special article for it.

Please read it locally or on HHS blog, sorry, it’s in Chinese only.

IV. What am I doing?

Well, currently I am not working on any project and I am not intended to work on any new project soon. I’ve just bought Stardew Village and quickly deserted it. I currently plan to finish ZJSTG 2 in the winter holiday(Jan.20-Feb.22)

For games, I’ve played Rune Factory 3 in consequent to Rune Factory 5. I am currently rushing watching the anime Helpful Fox Senko-san

I have tons of blogs to write including NFLSPC diary.

V. Spicy Wolf

The project has been delayed as the text-providing side has not finished their job.

Actually, everything has been done except for the event scripts. I expect to use some free resources to replace the unlawful ones. Then I can release it to the public!