My Software Preference

Editors, IDES, Workspaces are very important for a coder. And so is true for artists and composers.

In this article, I will share some of my editor/software preferences that I am using.


  • Dev-C++

I didn’t install VC distribution for VS because it’s too big. I seldom do C++ developing either.


  • Eclipse
  • Idea

I use Eclipse more often

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Excursion - LSS Short

Initially published on May 3rd on Hell Hole Studios Blog

It has been 5 months since the last LSS Short… So here’s another episode with minimal effort :).

Please note this series does not follow chronological order.

Without further ado, let’s begin.


Wondering, pondering, where’s my position?

Clear sky, white cloud, straight road. Birds were roaming down the skyline, asphalt line extended to the horizon. Everything was in peace, in silence, as always.

The road, which was definitely one needed polishing, was companied by borderless cole flower fields. The flowers danced in waves in response to gusts of wind, swinging according to the tempo of nature.

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2021 Swift Student Challenge(WWDC)参加感想与经验

大家好,我是XGN,这次是在Mac上写这篇文章。这次来谈一谈WWDC Swift Student Challenge 2021.






我的工程是MIST,MayISolveIt,是一个教育游戏为一体的2D Playground。在游戏中你扮演一名返乡有志青年希望通过自己的技术和政府的补助帮助当地的老乡脱贫致富。



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Day 0



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Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.45

Useful 思考题!!


Hikari is a cute white dragon girl. She is helping Ninetail - a fox girl, her master - correct composition.The original composition is a string S and the corrected one is another string T.

Hikari claimed that she used a single replaceAll function in doc to finish the correction. The function requires a from string and a to string and will replace all from with to in the string S. Your task is to find out what’s the minimum sum of characters of from and to to finish the change in one replaceAll.

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Orange Boy Can You Solve It Out? Ep.44

String 思考题!!

Boggle Constructor

Ninetail is a clever fox girl. She loves to play Boggle!

the rules are simple:

Each player searches for words that can be constructed from the letters of sequentially adjacent cubes, where “adjacent” cubes are those horizontally, vertically, and diagonally neighboring. Words must be at least three letters long, may include singular and plural (or other derived forms) separately, but may not use the same letter cube more than once per word.


Today she has many words and she wants to put all of them in a 4*4 Boggle board. Each cell should contain only 1 character.

Show a possible construction or say it’s impossible.

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